School for Life is a not-for-profit organisation working in rural Uganda. They empower communities to help themselves and create their own opportunities. This means they provide a hand-up not a hand-out.
They believe in the transformative impact of education and aim to provide a high-quality education to those who need it most, so they can develop themselves and change the communities where they live. Stopping the cycle of poverty through education. They build and operate schools that are aligned with the needs of the community.
If you would like to find out more, how you can help us support School for Life Foundation, visit our page at School for Life.
To support School for Life, you can buy KUMI product on this site.
Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, the RFDS

works to provide emergency medical and primary health care services to anyone who lives, works or travels in rural and remote Australia.
Medical services needed by people living in rural and remote areas of Australia are no different to services required in our large cities, but the vast distances that small rural populations have to overcome to access health services, provide a real challenge. The Royal Flying Doctor Service works to assist country Australians in many ways.
With a waiting room of 7.69 million square kilometres, the RFDS provides 24-hour aeromedical emergency services that can reach anywhere, no matter how remote, within hours. Combined with tele-health consultations, fly-in fly-out GP and Nurse clinics, mobile dental services, patient transfers, and a myriad of other health services, the RFDS is constantly working to see that those living in rural and remote areas can enjoy the same health outcomes as those living in city areas.
Take a look at their website to see all they do here.
Donate here.